Dilan Clinical Packaging

Terry Dixon


I was introduced to Jeff Sziklai in 2003 at a time when the small contract pharmaceutical packaging company I had co-founded almost 10 years earlier remained struggling to gain traction in a market populated by larger firms. Frankly, the company was not delivering a personal income that justified the opportunity cost of not working as a ‘big pharma’ pharmacist where I had prior experience. As a result, I was contemplating ending the dream of self-employment and looking for ‘real job’ – never an easy decision for someone with an entrepreneurial spirit and a desire to exercise more control over their work environment.

After speaking with Jeff and quite quickly arriving at a meeting of the minds, we decided to sell the majority share of our company to him and his partners. We remained responsible for day-to-day operations while Jeff brought many things to the new relationship such as business acumen, capital and relevant contacts. Less obviously and critically he contributed confidence, ambition and a vision which guided us to achieve more than we ever expected.

Over a period of 15 years, I found Jeff, to be honest, forthright and focused on defining and then achieving success. The company grew from approximately 15 employees when we partnered to over 150 (and in three countries!) when I retired at the end of 2018. There is no doubt that I profited from my relationship with him both personally and financially but I think it is also important to mention that we remain friends after all of our shared experience.